Club Street Wine Room, opened by Andrew Walsh's Cure Concepts, is a modern wine bar that is everything you didn't expect, and more.
Thirty Six Brewlab & Smokehouse takes over from Little Creatures Singapore to offer up a spread of - dare we say it - better beers and eats.
LINO Restaurant and Café in Forum panders to Singapore's love for most things Italian, offering simple contemporary twists to classic favourites.
Hortus - what was previously Fennel Cafe - now offers a delicious Mediterranean gastronomic respite within Flower Dome in Gardens by the Bay.
The 6th International Week of Italian Cuisine in Singapore takes place 22 to 28 November this year with the theme 'Italian Traditions meet Singaporean Flavours'.
ICEX Spain awards 12 Spanish restaurants in Singapore with its Restaurants from Spain certification for their work in promoting Spanish gastronomy.



