Hortus - what was previously Fennel Cafe - now offers a delicious Mediterranean gastronomic respite within Flower Dome in Gardens by the Bay.
Thirty Six Brewlab & Smokehouse takes over from Little Creatures Singapore to offer up a spread of - dare we say it - better beers and eats.
The Guild

The Guild

The Guild - a collaboration between Chef Vinny Lauria and Hong Kong's highly-lauded craft beer makers Young Master Brewery - opens up in Keong Saik Road with a focus on championing small-scale, artisanal producers, such as farmers and growers...
Michelin-starred chef Jérémy Gillon finds his roots in Savoie, France - and stems, leaves, flowers, et al - and transplants them to his new fine-dining joint Restaurant JAG on Duxton Hill. "How did you like your dish, ma'am?" Anant Tyagi, co-owner...
One of the newest gastro wine bars in town, French-themed Ma Cuisine Singapore offers an extensive wine menu of over 600 different labels from varying terroir across France and other parts of the winemaking world to pair with its...
Gaston, a casual French bistro and bar focusing on Burgundian fare and wine, opens up along Keong Saik road. There's no shortage of fine-dining French restaurants in Singapore. But when a really good casual French eatery appears on our dining...



